Magnetic Life Hacks
How Magnetic Grate Filters Keep Food, Cosmetics, and Other Consumer Products Safe
Powerful neodymium food-grade magnet filter grates are now used to effectively catch and remove all harmful metal debris in the production of food, pet, and other consumer products from cereal to chips, milk to beer, soup to salad, makeup to protein powder, and everything in between. Picture this: Let’s say you suddenly bite into a tiny piece of metal debris in your favorite breakfast cereal. Or you accidentally chip a tooth on something hidden in your can or jar of beans, soup, chili, or spaghetti - or something buried in your bag of lettuce, popcorn, or potato chips. Or, maybe...
Make Your Cosplay Costume Magnetic

What’s the secret to a totally cool, captivating, and off-the-charts creative cosplay costume? Magnets! That’s right. When you sew strong neodymium magnets into your costumes, you get a secure adjustable hold for all of your costume's various parts and pieces. This includes your pants, shirts, vests, coats, capes, other components, and headwear.Instead of relying on belts, snaps, scotch tape, duct tape and buttons to fasten the various elements of your ensemble, you can sew special sewing magnets into your parts and pieces as closures, fasteners, and attachment devices. Plus, you get quick on-and-off convenience as opposed to the time-consuming task...
Making a Magnetic Knife Holder with Neodymium Magnets
Making a wooden magnetic knife rack is a popular project for many of our neodymium magnet customers. Here’s a guide on how to create your own.Please note that this blog post is intended to provide a general overview on creating a wooden magnetic knife holder and does not serve as a comprehensive woodworking tutorial. Prior experience with woodworking techniques is required to successfully and safely complete this project. Materials You’ll Need Wood: A block of wood measuring 8 to 14 inches long and around 3/4 inches thick. The actual dimensions are up to you, as is the type of...
Magnet Fishing: What to Know Before You Dive In

If you’re wondering what lurks beneath that murky lake or languid lagoon near you - you’re in luck. Welcome to the wild, wonderful and mysterious world of magnet fishing. All you need is a long rope and a strong magnet - along with a body of water, of course - and you’re in business. So what’s the attraction? Most avid fishing magnet enthusiasts will tell you there’s a huge rush of adrenaline each time you drop that magnet into the water. What’s down there hidden in those deep dark depths? What will you find? Will it be trash or treasure?...
How to Hang Artwork on Walls with Neodymium Magnets
Magnets are an excellent way to hang and display your prints, posters, photography and other artwork. But which magnets do you need? How many will be required? Where should you put them? This article will help you begin to answer these questions to display your art brilliantly, boldly and beautifully. Hanging Lightweight Prints, Photos, and Posters Determine where you want your artwork to sit on the wall. Lightly mark the wall with a pencil where your artwork will attach, ideally just to the inside of all four corners. Take a hammer and tap a flat head ferromagnetic steel nail or...